The second episode of Pop of Passion is now live
Thank you so much to my wonderful guest Marcy Jarreu who’s talking TRUSTING YOUR GUT!
You can find more info on Marcy @marcylane2 on IG & @MarcyLane on twitter
My passion plug goes out to Margot. Margot would like you to check out Chicago Freedom School which is rooted in the long legacy of liberatory education. They providing training and education for young people and adult allies to create a just world. Check it out, learn more, get involved and donate if you’re able at chicagofreedomschool.org
Marcy would like to plug Loveland Therapy Fund which provides financial assistance to Black women and girls nationally seeking therapy. Click the link to get involved & donate if you’re able https://thelovelandfoundation.org/loveland-therapy-fund/
Produced by Produced by Christine Ferrera at The Lincoln Lodge
Music by The Hustle
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